3D Models

Celebrity 3D models for Daz Studio / Poser

We love parody art!

If you’re looking for a 3D model to use in your parody art or other projects, then you’ve found the right page! There are many 3D models around the web that look similar to celebrities, but they are often very hard to locate. We’ve created this handy database to make things easier and help you find what you need.

You can use the search box to help you quickly find models.  Search by store or model name such as Daz3d or Genesis 9.  Make sure you bookmark this page as we will be adding new models on a regular basis.  Send us your links to new celebrity lookalikes and we will add them to the collection!  Your contributions are greatly appreciated by the community.

Submit Your Links to Celebrity 3D Models

For the love of 3d modelling, art and creativity!

The lookalikes featured in this database showcase the transformative power of 3d sculpting and modelling techniques, in order to create new, entertaining and unique characters that may appear similar to celebrities. They also serve as a journalistic commentary on the creative capability of current 3d modelling software.

The use of celebrity names and images in the database have been employed strictly for the purpose of parody and entertainment and in now way represent their endorsement. The opinions expressed are those of pixelsizzle.com and do not represent the original artists.

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Showing 1–12 of 543 results